Welcome to the DollyCatToken (DOCAT) tokenomics page! Here, you will find detailed information about the structure and distribution of DollyCatToken. Our goal is to create a fair, transparent, and rewarding ecosystem for all holders and participants.
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 (10 Billion) $DOCAT
Charity Fund: 5% (500,000,000 DOCAT) dedicated to supporting stray cat welfare and animal shelters.
Buy/Sell Tax
Buy Tax: 0%
Sell Tax: 0%
To make DollyCatToken more attractive and accessible, we have implemented a 0% buy and sell tax. This means that users can buy and sell DOCAT without any additional fees, promoting ease of transactions and wider adoption.
Liquidity Pool (LP) Tokens Burnt
Liquidity Pool Tokens Burnt: To ensure the stability and longevity of DollyCatToken, all liquidity pool tokens are burnt. This measure helps maintain a healthy liquidity level and supports the token's value over time by ensuring the liquidity is permanently locked and cannot be withdrawn.